Round Table encourages greater engagement with small business

South Australia’s small business community representatives will have better access to the Government following today’s launch of the Small Business Round Table. The round table has been established to provide greater collaboration and communication between the State Government and the small business community. Premier Jay Weatherill addressed the inaugural round table and outlined the Government’s…

Funding helps complete Macclesfield RSL War Memorial Garden

Veterans’ Affairs Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith has awarded $5,340 funding to the Macclesfield RSL Sub-Branch to help complete the construction of a War Memorial Garden. Mr Hamilton-Smith said the Sub-Branch is transforming two acres of previously disused land it acquired from the Mount Barker Council. Its being transformed into a remembrance garden and commemoration trail, including…

TradeStart network continues to grow South Australian exports

The Department of State Development has successfully bid to deliver the Federal Government’s TradeStart network in South Australia for another four years, providing the state’s business community with export facilitation and better access to Austrade services. Investment and Trade Minister Martin Hamilton Smith made the announcement today during a visit to TradeStart client, Bird in…

Lobethal fruit juice manufacturer a business migration success story

Investment and Trade Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith has recognised Lobethal-based juice manufacturer Besa Juice as an outstanding beneficiary of the State Government’s business migration program. Mr Hamilton-Smith said Besa Juice’s founder and Managing Director, Mr Emanuil Manolov, and his family moved to South Australia from Bulgaria in 2008 on a business migration visa and then built…

South Australia to trade international benefits at Ministers’ forum

Investment and Trade Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith will seek to build on South Australia’s recent export momentum at the Trade and Investment Ministers’ Meeting in Cairns today. Mr Hamilton-Smith will represent South Australia at the national forum and engage with the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments on a collaborative approach to international economic engagement. The forum…

Defence Industries Leaders Promote Investment and New Job Opportunities

Defence Industries Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith has been highlighting South Australian capabilities as supply chain partners to global defence firms targeting major Australian defence projects, with a focus on naval shipbuilding and aerospace. Mr Hamilton Smith has recently visited key defence companies, accompanied by Defence SA Chief Executive Mr Malcolm Jackman and former CE Andrew Fletcher…