Chinese investors and consumers will be exposed to luxury South Australian food and wine products in a three month showcase at the Double Tree by Hilton Beijing.
Investment and Trade Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith said the five iconic South Australian brands include Hilton Adelaide, The Beerenberg Family Farm, Bird In Hand winery, Ferguson Australia seafood and Haigh’s chocolate.
There will be a range of tailored events from 21 November to 28 February, showcasing produce and products including a Ferguson seafood master class, a Bird In Hand wine degustation and the global launch of Beerenberg Kangaroo Island Ligurian honey.
“This is a unique opportunity for South Australian business to showcase their premium produce and products to an international export market,” said Mr Hamilton-Smith.
“China has been a key target of South Australia’s investment and trade policies and programs through our South Australia-China Engagement Strategy.
“The focus on China has seen South Australian exports there triple over three years, totalling $3.3 billion in the 12 months to August 2014, an increase of 42 per cent from the previous year. China now accounts for more than a quarter of the state’s exports and economic growth is expected to be a robust 7 per cent this year.
“The benefits of across targeted sectors – minerals and energy, education, tourism, wine and agribusiness, professional services, clean technologies and niche advanced manufacturing.
“The State Government’s TradeStart advisers are helping businesses enter and build relationships with international markets. We have worked with more than 630 exporters to facilitate export outcomes with a total value of $30 million.
“The Department of State Development is currently in the process of developing a brand new grant program that will support both aspiring and established exporters in the State.
“I will be visiting Shandong in December to discuss new strategic projects under the High Level Working Group structure.”
The Beijing showcase will be launched at the Hilton Adelaide on Monday October 27 at 11am.