The State Government has increased its efforts to assist South Australian small businesses with the establishment of a shopfront in the central business district of Adelaide.
The new office of the Small Business Commissioner will bring together services and advice from the Department of State Development and Office of the Industry Advocate.
Minister for Small Business Martin Hamilton-Smith said small business was at the front and centre of the State Government’s plans to build the South Australian economy.
“As a former small business owner, I recognise the need to access relevant information quickly but also the need for face to face engagement given some business issues can be multi-faceted.”
“The State Government has recognised the need to showcase the work which is being done for small business but also to provide a “first stop” shop where businesses could obtain information relating to the management or development of their business including assistance in resolving disputes.
The shop front at 99 Gawler Place would build on work which has been undertaken by the Small Business Commissioner, John Chapman and his team to deliver information sessions to business operators including the Bizlinks program which brings together state and federal agencies who present to small business.
The Small Business Commissioner will share meeting and mediation facilities with the Office of the Industry Advocate, which is in the same building, to make efficient use of floor space.
“We will bring together the very good information from across Government into a more accessible format,” Mr Hamilton-Smith said.
Small Business Commissioner John Chapman said he welcomed the State Government’s commitment to increase support and information provided to small business.
“We will aim to be a first stop shop for any small business inquiries and if we can’t address the particular issue, we will find the right person in Government who can help,” Mr Chapman said.
Work on the shop front will commence shortly and is scheduled to be completed by July 2016. The total project will cost approximately $770,000.