The Chair of The Repat Foundation will lead a panel of experienced veteran’s representatives and clinical experts to advise on the location and model of the new Post-Traumatic Stress Centre for Excellence.
Health Minister Jack Snelling said Associate Professor Susan Neuhaus CSC will lead the
input of the veteran community which was vital to the successful planning of the new $15 million centre.
“Ward 17 at the Repat provides a high-quality and valued Post-Traumatic Stress service for our veterans,” Mr Snelling said.
“But the quality of the building doesn’t match the quality of the service, which is why as part of Transforming Health we’ve committed $15 million for a centre for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress to replace Ward 17.
“The knowledge and experience of the veterans’ representatives, and the clinicians who work in the service, will ensure the new Centre for Excellence provides the same high level service in an appropriate location for veterans.
Veterans’ Affairs Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith said the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress has come a long way, with many of the national advancements in treatment being led by the staff at the Repat’s Ward 17.
“With the input from the new panel of veterans’ experts, I’m confident that South Australia’s reputation a leader in this field will continue to be enhanced by the development of the new centre wherever that may be,” Mr Hamilton-Smith said.
Brigadier Laurie Lewis from the Veterans Health Advisory Council supported the proposal for a new Centre for Excellence
“I cannot fault the staff of Ward 17 but for some time now, I’ve felt its facilities are Dickensian to say the least and they don’t best serve the unique needs of all veterans,” Brigadier Lewis said.
“I think the Veterans’ community will come to the realisation that this Centre for Excellence will provide the best outcomes for veterans and their families, their carers as well as war widows and widowers.
The Veteran’s Advisory Panel will be co-chaired by Associate Professor Susan Neuhaus and Professor Dorothy Keefe, Clinical Ambassador, Transforming Health, with the first meeting expected to be held next month.
The first member of the Veterans Post-Traumatic Stress Centre for Excellence – Expert Panel will include:
• Associate Professor Susan Neuhaus CSC, Chair Repat Foundation;
• Professor Dorothy Keefe, Clinical Ambassador, Transforming Health;
• David Everitt, Chair, Veterans Health Advisory Council;
• Brigadier Laurie Lewis, Member, Veterans Health Advisory Council;
• Professor Tarun Bastiampillai, Director, Metal Health Strategy, Department for Health and Ageing; and
• Dr Taryn Cowain, Clinical Head of Unit, Ward 17, Department of Psychiatry
Mr Snelling said there would be further members added to the group in the coming weeks.
“This will likely include a veteran consumer and carer representative as well as representatives from other veteran groups,” he said.
Feedback for the Transforming Health Proposals Paper closes on February 27.