Adelaide based simulation systems company Sydac is preparing to deliver its first rail simulator to India, as part of a $30 million contract with the government owned Indian Railways.
Minister for Investment and Trade Martin Hamilton-Smith, who met with key stakeholders last week during South Australia’s largest ever trade delegation to India, said the simulator will be handed over in the city of Jodhpur next month.
“Sydac is a South Australian business that continues to strengthen its strategic advantage in the high-tech sector, to export its products and services, and drive jobs growth in South Australia,” Mr Hamilton-Smith said.
“The Indian railway is the fourth largest railway network in the world, carrying more than 24 million passengers and 2.8 tonnes of freight daily – Sydac has identified this potential.”
Sydac Managing Director Dermot Dixon said this contract will boost India’s rail safety and is the largest of its kind in the world.
“Our focus is on providing thousands of India’s drivers with simulated training using twelve full-cab rail simulators and 60 desk simulators in twelve cities, including the main centres of Mumbai and Kolkata.”
“Sydac will also build training centres across India over the next three years,” Mr Dixon said.
“On the back of our success in the rail sector, Sydac is now focusing on opportunities in India’s commercial vehicle sector, including providing simulators to help train bus and truck drivers.
“Very promising meetings were arranged through the State Government that should position Sydac well to compete in a huge market to increase the safety on Indian roads.
“We hope our commercial vehicle product will be successful in local and international markets to further secure jobs development in Adelaide.”
Stark Area Regional Transport Authority Executive Director Steve Shearer said the simulator provides an accurate experience for drivers and has potential to improve safety in Australia.
“The benefits of this simulation technology are wide reaching, including driver training to improve skills, awareness and safety and secondly to assist in future road design testing,” Mr Shearer said.
“Many truck drivers have tried the simulator at various trade shows and agree that it’s realistic and enlightening – it enables drivers to gain experience in a diversity of road conditions.”
The State Government has completed its largest trade mission to India and assisted South Australian exporters to sell their expertise to international markets leading to jobs creation.
Mr Hamilton-Smith said “a broad range of sectors were represented including food and wine, arts, education, health, mining and resources, tourism, defence and advanced manufacturing.
“South Australian companies have specialist skills to optimise manufacturing – such as through automation – skills that are already being utilised in India.
South Australia is embarking on a new chapter for both regions – one of economic integration and partnership, of mutual respect and understanding.
“India is South Australia’s third largest export market, worth nearly $800 million – however this has significant potential to grow.
“The Government of South Australia wants to be a leader in this new era of prosperity.