The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Martin Hamilton-Smith has awarded $2,000 funding to the Streaky-Bay RSL Sub-Branch to help provide wheelchair access to its clubroom.
Mr Hamilton-Smith said the Sub-Branch is an integral meeting spot for the local community.
“The Streaky Bay RSL Sub-Branch clubroom is regularly used by veterans, the Country Women’s Association of Australia, as well as new mothers and their babies – many of whom will benefit from the installation of a safe and smooth ramp.
Streaky Bay RSL Sub Branch President Peter Payne welcomed the grant and said it would offer much needed assistance to the members and hirers of the clubroom.
“This grant will improve access for veterans and other community members who use wheelchairs, gophers, walking frames or prams.
“Currently visitors to our clubroom are required to negotiate two large steps over a 600 millimetre gap.
“It will also make the rolling in and out of coffins easier for our elderly. We’ve had six funerals in the past 18 months and negotiating the steps can be quite ungainly.”
This funding is in addition to a Department of Premier and Cabinet grant of $5,600, which was provided this year to fund the building of a fence around a commemorative Lone Pine.
The commemorative tree was germinated from a Lone Pine seed sourced from Gallipoli, which Streaky Bay Area School students planted and cared for six years ago.
Mr Hamilton-Smith will meet with Sub-Branch representatives and local veterans at the Streaky Bay RSL Sub-Branch in Cash Place at 3pm on Monday 24 November.
He will also visit the Ceduna RSL Sub-Branch in Kuhlmann Street at 5pm.
Mr Hamilton-Smith said he also looks forward to providing the Streaky Bay and Ceduna Sub-Branches with brand new Australian and South Australian commemorative flags.
“Life after service is a significant challenge for many veterans and their families – RSL clubrooms are a popular destination for families to honour their forebears and find solace. It is pleasing to see the positive impact that regional Sub-Branches have on the community.”