Submission to the Defence Strategic Review From The Australian Sovereign Capability Alliance

General The general theme of this submission is an appeal for fresh thinking. Australia needs to prepare for the next war, not the last war and must think like an aggressor to identify our true strategic, economic and military vulnerabilities. We address the Review’s terms of reference including scope, Australia’s future strategic challenges, force posture…

Manufacturing submission

Submission to the Senate Economic References Committee Inquiry ‘The Australian Manufacturing Industry’

General The Australian Sovereign Capability alliance (ASCA) is a new industry grouping, which has come together to make the case for greater Australian sovereign industry capability. This submission draws attention to Australia’s dependence on overseas industry and foreign governments for our vital manufactures and essential needs and provides new data to support the case for…

COVID exposed Australia’s industrial weakness

Australia’s capacity to manufacture essential goods is the lowest in the developed world, a new report shows. The report, into Australia’s sovereign capability, shows how the arrival of COVID-19 exposed manufacture and supply problems caused by almost thirty years of deindustrialisation. The report, by the Australian Industrial Transformation Institute, and commissioned by the recently formed…

Australian Sovereign Capability and Supply Chain Resilience

Australian Sovereign Capability and Supply Chain Resilience

Australian Sovereign Capability and Supply Chain Resilience Perspectives and Options A report from Flinders University – Australian Industrial Transformation Institute Supporting Documents Australian Sovereign Capability – Options and Perspectives – Fact Sheet 2021 Copyright Notice Background The retreat from industrial policy in Australia over past decades has promoted a shift in Australia’s industrial structure from…