Submarine defence casuses more than a ripple

IN-BUSINESS MAGAZINE: On the same day that key stakeholders took to the floor of Parliament to discuss the state government’s submission to the Defence White Paper on industry policy, a new report has emerged that highlights the “devastating economic ripple effect” that would occur if submarine manufacturing contracts go offshore. Read more 

Sporting event arrangement for Anzac Day 2015

As Australia prepares to mark the 100th commemoration of the Gallipoli Landings next year, and with Anzac Day falling on a Saturday in 2015, South Australians are reminded of the restrictions around public sport and entertainment events on the day. Recreation and Sport Minister Leon Bignell said under the ANZAC Day Commemoration Act 2005, restrictions…

Defence Shipbuilding

Hansard Extract The Hon. M.L.J. HAMILTON-SMITH: Sustaining the future of Australia’s naval shipbuilding industry is absolutely vital to our economy, to our advanced manufacturing future and to jobs. We are currently at a critical crossroads, where the federal government will either choose to spend $250 billion to deliver and sustain our future Navy fleet here in…